- The schedule follows UTC time.
- By participating in this event, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information for the purpose of prize distribution.
- Winners will be required to sign up with the same email after the official launch of Alt.town. Users who do not complete the Alt.town sign-up process, including connecting a wallet for token transactions, before the prize distribution will be ineligible.
- An internal wallet will automatically be created for your on-chain badge upon email submission.
- Prizes will be sent automatically to winners' Alt.town-connected wallets. The amount of $BNB will be calculated at the time of distribution based on the market price.
- This event may be subject to change or early termination at our discretion. Participation does not guarantee eligibility to win.
- Any use of unauthorized methods, illegal third-party programs, or any behavior that interferes with the proper functioning of the event (including, but not limited to, violations of the Terms of Use and Operating Policy) may result in disqualification.